Message from the Principal
Dear Families
Welcome to the 2025 School Year!
Firstly, thank you for the time and effort you have put into preparing your children for the start of the new school year. We understand that this can be an anxious time for many, but having uniforms organised, lunches ready to go, and bedtimes reestablished after a long holiday, really helps to ease the worry and get us all back into a routine quickly.
We have such an exciting year ahead with the launch of the CESL Magnify Project, which aims to support all Sandhurst students and teachers to be their best.
I strongly encourage you to attend our information night next week, where we will briefly explain more about this project and share our hopes for 2025. Classrooms will be open, and staff will be on-site to answer any questions or simply to say hello. We will also have the BBQ fired up with sausages for an easy dinner. Please come and meet your child's teachers, visit your child's classroom, and meet the families of your children's friends. All these little things build a strong school community.
Our school is looking amazing.
And our learning spaces are ready to go.
School Crossing (please read the attached letter)
I am acutely aware of the safety concerns you would all have regarding the unsupervised school crossing, and I share these worries. I will continue to work with the City of Greater Bendigo's representative on this matter.
Personal Device Policy ( please read the attached letter)
Each classroom in Years 5 & 6 has a lockbox for student devices, and Students in Foundation to Year 4 will need to bring personal devices to the office for safekeeping.
Our procedures are aligned with those set out by CESL.
Thank you for your support with this change.
Magnify (please read the attached letter)
Tuesday saw the official launch of Magnify in the Diocese of Sandhurst including a live cross to St Therese's. This is truly an exciting time for our students, staff, and Catholic Education community.