Education in Faith

Ash Wednesday

Yesterday, we came together to celebrate Ash Wednesday. Ash Wednesday marks the beginning of the Church’s season of Lent. The marking of the ashes on our foreheads on this day is a public expression of our faith, to remind us that we are children of God. It is a time of prayer, fasting and almsgiving. 


Lent prepares us for the season of Easter, the most important time in the Church’s calendar. By praying, fasting and giving alms, we are reminded of Jesus’ death and resurrection. Jesus brought the promise of hope to all people so that we may, “have life and have it to the full” (John 10:10). 


Our Year 4 to 6 students, attended Mass, led by Father Anh. Throughout the day our Foundation to Year 3 students, also took a moment of their day to participate in a liturgy. It was wonderful to be able to come together with members of our wider community to mark this special occasion.   During this time, we were asked to reflect on the meaning of Lent and the 3 pillars of prayer, fasting and almsgiving, thinking about how we can show our love for others during Lent and make space in your heart for Jesus. 




Lent is a 40 day season of prayer, fasting, almsgiving in preparation for Easter.


It mirrors Jesus’ 40 days in the desert, inviting us to grown closer to God.


During Lent, we observe:

  • Prayer: Deepening our relationship with God
  • Fasting: Sacrificing to grow in discipline
  • Almsgiving: Serving those in need

Lent is a like journey to meet God. It is a time to get to know God better and to know his 

great love for us. Sometimes we miss the mark, but God sees us and will help us to try again. We remember that during this time of reflection, we will end in a time of joy … at



It is an invitation to get us outside of ourselves, so that we make space and show love to God and other people. 

Lent is not about giving up…It is a time to fall in LOVE again.


Lord Jesus Christ,

We come before you as a school community, that we may be inspired by the life and message of Christ to act in love and serve all who are in need. May our commitment to prayer, fasting and almsgiving, awaken within us a hunger for justice and compassion. 

In this year of Jubilee, being pilgrims of Hope, renew our faith and strengthen our spirits, that we ready ourselves to find the direction towards peace and justice that God wants for us.




Education in Faith Leader