Other College News

Final Rotation for Yr 7 & Yr 8 Golden Techman Awards
Some 2024 Golden Techman Stats
Over the year 103 Golden Techman Awards have been presented at the conclusion of each rotation. 54 Golden Techman, in total, for Year 7 Rotations which included Woodtech (birdhouses), Digitech (lasercutting), Textiles, Agriculture & Foodtech. Yr 8 received 49 Golden Techman for Woodtech (toyworld), Engineering ("wind it up"). Textiles, Digitech (ev3 robots) & Foodtech.
In Year 7, 47 different students received a trophy. Special mention to Cameron Czapracki and Scarlett Crosby who each have 4 GT's on the shelf at home.
In Year 8, 36 different students collected a GT with Ben Cox & Isabelle Brazier-Kraan both receiving 4 GT's.
Vinnies News
Vinnies students have been busy this December. Check them out below delivering the christmas appeal donations to St Vincent de Paul, as well as delivering decorations made alongside St Mary's Mini Vinnies students to the residents of Uniting Autumn Lodge.
Reopening of the Cathedral