Early Learning Centre

Miss Jessica
Ms Katrina
Miss Jacqui
Miss Kristen
Miss Jessica
Ms Katrina
Miss Jacqui
Miss Kristen

Our Learning 

During this fortnight in the 3-and 4-year-old kindergarten, the children have been undertaking learning in the following areas:

Pre-Reading :  Recognising their name on locker tags, badges and lunch spots

Following along with a story

Demonstrating comprehension through discussions


Pre-Writing: - Building fine motor muscles through playdough work, peg boards and puzzle play.

- Mark making with painting and drawing


STEM : - Becoming familiar with colours as they identify and sort objects 

- Exploring ephemeral art with a range of natural loose items


Inquiry : - Exploring the unit of Inquiry: All About Me

- Investigating parts of the body and face through drawings of self, skeleton exploration and constructing faces.


Social & emotional learning : - Building relationships with Educators through play

- Learning how to share and work together through shared play spaces

- Making new friends


Celebration of learning

Enrolments for free 3 and 4 year old sessional kindergarten. 

Enrol through Casey Council for Hillsmeade Kindergarten. 

Long Day Care enrolments with kindergarten is through the ELC office.

You can contact the ELC or pop in for a visit for enrolment inquires.

Phone: 9704 6313 - Option ELC

Email: elc@hillsmeade.vic.edu.au