Health & P.E.

On Thursday the 12th of December, the P.E department recruited some new Graduate P.E teachers, Neve P, Eliza M, Annabelle N and Piper B! The girls did an amazing job at leading our 3/4 and Foundation students with a Country and Culture Indigenous games lesson.
They taught our students 4 Indigenous games, Weme, Emu, Pulugge and Boroinjin.
Boroinjin - Is a game where the ball was originally made from Kangaroo skin. It was played with the Kabi Kabi people in Northern Queensland..
Pulugge - This game was played in many parts of Australia and the Indigenous people loved to play it on the river in South Australia.
Emu - A player who is called Emu chases the other players around the playing area and when one is caught they become the new emu.
Weme - There are two teams that are separated on two separate sides. In the middle there are two hoola hoops and a ball in the middle. The aim of the game is to roll other balls into the circle and knock the ball in the middle out.
Natalie Costa
P.E Specialist Teacher