French Corner

French Corner

Access to French portal - Grades One to Four

By the end of this week, all French students in grades One to Four will have received a letter with their personal username and password for the AIM portal for their story this semester. Students are already enjoying reviewing their story and singing the songs at home and in class. As a reminder:


Go to the website

Click on ‘Student’

Enter user name as per the letter

Enter password as FrenchClassname.

Eg. Ann Jones in Grade 1 CF would enter her password as French1CF.

 If you have any problems accessing the portal, please don’t hesitate to contact Madame Robson (Grades One and Three) or Madame Gammon (Grades Two and Four). 

Prep students will have access to the portal for their story early in Term 2. In Prep, students study one story for the remainder of the year, so there will be plenty of time to enjoy the portal.

Alliance Française French courses over the Easter holidays

The Alliance Française runs courses for children and adults over the Easter holiday, from April 9th to 13th, in St Kilda and their CBD location. Click on the link for more details.

French Club and Berthe Mouchette poetry reading competition

A reminder that French Club for Grades 4 and 5 is now running on a Tuesday lunchtime in 6ES. In Terms 1 and 2 students are preparing their poem for the Berthe Mouchette Poetry Reciting Competition which takes place in May. More information regarding the competition is available here

If you’d like to know anything more about the French club please contact Madame Webb.

Festival de Film Français - reviews

We hope that you and your children enjoyed the fantastic variety of French films that were on offer throughout the festival. Our favourites included ‘Le Grand Méchant Loup - Big Bad Wolf and other stories’ ‘Belle et Sebastien’  and ‘Two is a Family’. If students watched any films and would like to write a review over the holidays, we’d love to publish them in the French Corner next term. Please email them to Madame Robson.


And if you have any favourite French apps you’d like to recommend, please email the name of the app to your French teacher, with a short description and why you like it. We would like to start to share this information in the French Corner too.

Bonne semaine et bonnes vacances!