A message from our Principal

Our school has longstanding rhythms and rituals that bring us together as a community. Term 4 is an exciting time when many of these rituals occur.


At our final whole school assembly we said farewell to our year 12s. I love the symbolism of them marching into the gym in the same way they did on their very first day of school in year 7, dressed in their primary school uniforms with the rest of the school cheering and clapping.  Year 12 Celebration Day marks the passage of 6 years that always seem to fly by and gives the opportunity for staff and students to reflect, have fun and show gratitude to each other. We also say farewell more formally at the Year 12 Graduation Dinner. It is the largest gathering we have with parents, friends and families, staff and students in attendance. This year we had over 700 guests watch students receive their graduation certificates and subject and community awards.


On Orientation Day the grade 6 students who will be joining us next year spent their first day at the College. It’s just like they say in the movie The Castle - “It’s the vibe!” There was such a sense of anticipation, excitement and some nerves - you could feel it in the air. New friendships were formed and students met their classmates, Learning Mentor and some of their other teachers. My favourite part of the day was seeing the grade 6 students open and read an individual letter of welcome written to them by a year 7 student. There were some wonderful words of advice and tips and tricks for getting the most out of their time at the College. I felt proud of the year 7s who encouraged our newest students to focus on gratitude, kindness and giving rather than receiving.


At both our junior and senior Presentation nights we recognise the exceptional efforts of our students who have demonstrated academic excellence and academic achievement and those who have made significant contributions to the school and local community. I am sure I feel the same sense of pride that parents/guardians and families do for every single student who receives an award.


This year our new structures have seen the introduction of a brand new ritual. The transition of year 7 into vertical mentor groups occurred as the year 12s were finishing.  At a house assembly each year 7 was introduced and welcomed into their mentor group alongside the year 12s who were also recognised and farewelled. I am very impressed with the way the year 7s have already contributed to their mentor group.  There have been some excellent examples of our school values of:


  • Respect - act as you would like to be treated
  • Responsibility - brave enough to play your part
  • Excellence - nothing but your best
  • Community - we’re all in this together


Christmas is another tradition for many of our families and the lead up to the festive season can be incredibly busy and stressful. I would urge everyone to take the opportunity to slow down and reconnect with family and friends. It’s not just enjoyable – it’s important for our health and wellbeing. I also think that taking a moment to reflect on what we already have, rather than on what we want, can be really beneficial. I wish each of our families a safe and Happy Christmas filled with fun and laughter. I can’t wait to see you all again next year - the warm weather seems to trigger lots of growth spurts over the summer! For those families leaving our community - I wish you health and happiness into the future and I hope you stay in touch and still come along to school events and celebrations.



Ms. Julie Kennedy 

College Principal