1/2s Learning from Home

Dear Parents and Guardians,


Thank you for all the support you have provided your students and teachers so far during online learning.  We really appreciate all the hard work you have been putting in at home. 


Tips For Parents/Guardians:

-Although spelling is important, our priority is to build confidence in our students to share their thinking and grow their confidence with typing and technology skills.  This allows students to be comfortable with making mistakes as it reflects how we teach in the classroom that mistakes help us learn. 


-We encourage a variety of strategies for solving addition and subtraction and all maths problems. We will be teaching multiple ways of solving problems this term to allow students to figure out what works best for their understanding. Knowing that some strategies are more preferred than others. 


-Mistakes show student’s learning and understanding, if you want to fix your child’s "mistakes", please do so in a different colour pencil so we can see what the students have done independently and how we can best support their learning in the future.



1/2 Teaching Team

Anne-Marie, Heather, Lisa, Linda, Brooke, Joanna, Jess, Caitlin and Trang

Zoe Mitchell Crow Learning from home


Anne-Marie catching up with her class using Google Meet!