
CURIOSITY ELC'S Statement of Philosophy

A written philosophy statement of a childcare centre is a statement of values and beliefs which guide the operation of the service.  Each statement is unique to the service and underpins the policies and procedures, the decisions and daily practices that affect the planning, implementing and evaluating quality experiences.


Our statement of philosophy is built upon the research done by the Directors and School Board when the vision of CURIOSITY was first launched, the anecdotal expressions that our staff shared at their interviews and the comments of our families at the 'Meet & Greet' sessions this year.  


It is best practice and advised under Quality Area 6 of the national standards, that all stakeholders (educators, children and families) be involved in the meaningful journey of reflecting on the services philosophy statement so we invite your review based on our current draft.  As CURSIOSITY ELC launches in 2020, it is our prayer that you will continue to embrace this vision and feel connected to support the great journey ahead of us.


Please find CURIOSITY'S Statement of Philosophy available for your personal reading.  Any comments can be emailed by Friday the 29th of November to: