Getting to Know You 

Introducing Your CURIOSITY TEAM!

Welcome to this edition of our iNewsletter.  I have been extremely excited about being able to present our Staff Team to you. 

The recruitment process was a wonderful time of hearing the passion and deep love for early childhood education that each member possesses.  Your children are in great hands!

Here are some of the statements the team shared with us during their interviews:

"The best environment for a child to thrive in, is a place that is friendly, encouraging and nurturing."

"Children's behaviour is for a reason.  It is up to us to connect with the children, help them to connect with their feelings and support them following through in repairing relationships."

"Teachers are always learning.  It is up to us to research together with the children's interests being our priority."

"Inquiry based learning gives the children ownership and empowers them to value learning."

"In early childhood education, you have to expect the unexpected so it's important for the educators to be courageous and reflective in their practice."

"I love diving into those beautiful moments of discovery with the children."

"Educators are children who have just been around a bit longer."