Principal's Report 

From the Principal...

Staffing Update

We welcomed five new staff in to the school this year. This included Amy Jones in Foundation, Elly Wood in Year 1, Kirsty Haydon in Year 2, Justin Ward in Year 3 and Ryan Serpanchy in Year 6. All these new staff members have settled in well and they have been given the appropriate support from our leadership team. Already, they are making significant contributions to level planning and whole school professional discussions. All staff thoroughly enjoyed our curriculum day on the first day back which was focused on quality reading programs and consistency across the school. The second pupil free day was taken up with setting up classrooms, shuffling furniture and planning in teams. I thank the staff for all the hard work they undertook to ensure a smooth and orderly start to 2020.


Capital Works Update

Lorrie and I met with the building group last Monday. Discussions were around staged works that were happening over the break. One priority was ensuring the internet and ICT infrastructure was ready for the school year. This continues to be problematic and our technicians are still trying to rectify the situation. The partitions were erected in the hall after vacation care had finished and the day before school returned. The teachers working in those spaces have communicated well with the after care co-ordinator and adjustments continue to be made to best suit the needs of everyone. Many doorways have been altered to meet compliance and acoustic requirements and these are currently being finished off and painted. The Foundation rooms are now operating as two flexible classrooms, with the operable wall now installed. The expected completion date for stage two which includes the total refurbishment of the old Prep wing is roughly mid-April. The STEAM block is scheduled to be completed in early April and will possibly be used for decanting students.



The school continues to receive constant updates and recommendations which the school is following carefully. The staff have been briefed on what they are required to do and additional emphasis has been placed on hygiene, washing hands carefully and what to be aware of in terms of symptoms of this virus. Families have been vigilant in abiding by self-isolation processes, especially if they or a family member travelled to China over the break.


2020 Student Leaders

Congratulations to our Student Leaders for 2020. We look forward to a fabulous year ahead. Parents of the leaders will be formally invited  to the assembly for the badge presentation in the coming days. 


School Captains

Talya L

Michael Z


Vice Captains

Angela Z 

 Keenan B


Student Sports Leaders

Bella M

Benji B

Angus C


House Captains - Flynn

Luca C

Clara L


House Captains - Hollows

Lucinda L

Charlie H


House Captains - MacKillop

Gus B

Bessie M


House Captains - Chisholm

Toby C

Stephanie K


SRC Captains

Max M

Nellie M

Max J

Ari Le


Multi-media Captains

Elliot C

Finlay S

Raphael S


Performing Arts Captains

Freya H

Annaliese T

Annabelle T


Environment Captains

Subira S

Mia T

Anastasia T


Visual Arts Captains

Gus W

Jiaqi  C

Chloe C


Cultural Captains

Emma N

Oscar S

Jakob M


School Council  - Notice of Election and call for Nominees

An election is to be conducted for member of the School Council of Ormond Primary School. 


Nomination Forms may be obtained below, on Compass or in person from the Front office and must be lodged by 4:00pm on Thursday 27th February.


Should a ballot be required, it will close at 4:00pm on Thursday 12th March. A ballot only occurs if there are too many people nominated for the number of positions vacant.


The terms of office, membership categories and number of positions in each membership category open for election are as follows:


Parent Member Term of Office

From the day after the date of the declaration of the poll in 2020  to and inclusive of the date of the declaration of the poll in 2022 there are 4 positions. 


If the number of nominations is less than the number of vacancies, a notice to that effect and calling for further nominations will be posted in a prominent position at the school.


We are inviting anyone with an interest in being on the council to nominate themselves or others by the close of lodging date above. 


The AGM will be held on Wednesday 18th March with the office bearing positions are decided and then the new council commences its’ first official meeting.


Mobile Phones Policy

The Department of Education has mandated that schools have a policy and secure storage facilities for students who bring mobile phones and devices to school. School Council are in the process of discussing the changes that have been released to previous policies and we are currently procuring secure storage units. The policy will be available on our website. Students will be informed of the expectations and practices and families will be informed through the newsletter and Compass.


From the start of the 2020 school year, children who bring mobile phones will be required to hand them them in at the front office where they will be stored securely until the student collect them at the end of the school day. 


Save the Date

McKinnon SC, McKinnon PS, Valkstone PS and Ormond PS are co-hosting a parent forum on Wednesday March 4th at McKinnon Secondary College with Michael Carr-Gregg.