La Conciergerie, Paris

Bonjour tout le monde and welcome back to the French page of your Newsletter! I hope you had 'des bonnes vacances ' (good holidays). 


At each year level, we are going to start Term 1 with a cultural topic. The Prep/1 class will learn (or revise) some basic facts about France (its location on a world map, the shape of the country, the Capital City, etc.). 


In Grades 1 and 2, the following video, as well as a PowerPoint presentation, will be a starting point to revise what the students know about the country. For a couple of weeks, we will use our big 'Jeu de l'oie' (Game of Goose) to revise what was learnt last year (colours, food, animals).

Le Jeu de l'oie : 


In Grades 2, 3, 3/4, 4/5 and 5/6, the students will watch various videos about France, Paris, the Eiffel Tower and Notre Dame and they will use the information that they've gathered to create their first portfolio piece. The following videos will be watched in class: 

  • Grade 2:


  • Grades 3 and 3/4:
  • Grades 4/5 and 5/6:

To end this page, here is our French song of the week: 'Sous le ciel de Paris' (Under Paris skies) which is a famous song by Edith Piaf. This modern version is sung by ZAZ .


Passez tous une bonne semaine! A bientôt! (Have a lovely week everyone! Talk to you again soon!)

