Principal's Page

Principal's Message

Dear Parents and Carers,


Throughout 2021, I hope that together we can continue to create a vibrant Catholic community where every student finds meaning and purpose in life through experiencing continual growth in faith and improvement in learning. St Joseph is our patron and this year we particularly focus on what we can learn from the life of St Joseph as we live out our motto Truth and Light.


Each month of this year, the Australian Catholic Bishops Conference will be providing a reflection on St Joseph. The first is composed by Archbishop Mark Coleridge and highlights the importance of the lineage of St Joseph as the foster father of Jesus. I invite all parents and carers to read the January reflection. It will be of particular enjoyment to those of you interested in understanding why the Gospels include certain information about St Joseph and the historical, Jewish perspective on the life of Joseph, Mary, and Jesus.



Tomorrow we welcome our newest Kindergarten students for their first full day of school. It is an exciting time for these families and also for our staff. 


Kindergarten students completed their Best Start assessments with a one hour visit with their teachers last week and early this week. Along with their transition and play sessions late last year, the children seem very confident about school and eager to get started. 


Kindergarten parents are welcome to enter the school to drop off their child on Thursday, Friday and Monday. Please ensure you abide by social distancing requirements.


We pray for these students as they begin their schooling in Catholic education.



At this time of year, we would usually be announcing the date of our Beginning of The School Year Mass. It is no surprise that we will not be able to celebrate this as a whole school community in the church. 


This year, Thursday 11 February at 9:30 am, Year 6 will attend Mass, where the School Captains, Vice Captains, and House Captains will be blessed, inducted and receive their badges. Students from other grades will participate online. Parents are unable to attend. However, the Mass will be recorded for parents and carers 



Each year, St Joseph's sets out a formal schedule for parent and teacher meetings. These include the Term 1 Meet and Greets, Term 2 and 4 Semester Reporting Meeting. In addition, teachers contact parents when they have concerns for a student. During remote learning, last year teachers contacted families directly to check in with students learning and well-being. 


I encourage parents and carers to contact their child's teachers via the school office to arrange a return phone call or meeting. You don't have to wait until you have a concern. A conversation with the class teacher just to check in on your child's learning or well being is always welcome. 


Strong parent–teacher relationships are one of the hallmarks of all great schools. They’re a major contributor to student success. The research into schooling across the Western world reveals that positive parent–teacher partnerships are a more significant factor in student success than parent income levels or social status.
However, parent–teacher relationships require effort and energy from both parties if they are going to really benefit children and young people. 
Michael Grose

Please see the Parenting Page of this newsletter for the full article by Michale Grose.


This year, I hope to discuss with the P&F our school protocols for connecting parents with teachers and how we can support you to engage in your child's learning more effectively. 



Parents are welcome to meet with class teachers in Year 1-6 during Weeks 3 and 4. Kindergarten Meet and Greets will be held in Week 4 and 5.


Bookings with teachers can be made via SCHOOL INTERVIEWS and booking details will be provided by the end of this week. 



St Joseph's has many systems and practices in place to support the pastoral care and well-being of our students. This year, Mr. Miguel Aguilera, Assistant Principal, will oversee all of these to ensure they align and meet the needs of students.


If you have any pastoral or wellbeing concerns for your child please don't hesitate to contact the class teacher in the first instance or Mr. Aguilera. 



Next week we celebrate the eSafety Commissioner's SAFER INTERNET DAY.

At St Joseph's we have protocols around the cyber safety education of students and staff.


We have registered students in Years 3-6 for the online webinar delivered by the eSafety Commissioner. This will take place in classrooms on Monday 8 February.  Teachershave already accessed resources from the eSafety Commissioners website in readiness for K-2 students next week.


Each year all students participate in a Digital Citizenship Program during Cyber Safety Week and throughout the year. 


All staff members are also required to complete modules each year so that they are well informed as they manage the use of technology for learning across the school.


How can parents engage in their child's learning about cyber safety?

  1. Go to the eSafety Commissioner Parent Page and develop your skills to support your child.
  2. During lessons next week, your child will also learn about the RESPONSIBLE USE OF TECHNOLOGY AGREEMENT sent home to parents and carers last week to sign. Take some time to discuss this with your child and help them to understand their responsibilities in the use of technology.


I pray that together we will all be willing to find God each day, in this place, and in the people of St Joseph’s. Have a wonderful week.


St Joseph, "Show yourself a father, and guide us in the path of life." 

(Taken from the prayer by Pope Francis, for the Year of St Joseph)

Jen Charadia


Principal Awards and Merit Awards

The following students will receive their Principal Awards at our afternoon assembly on Friday 19 February 2021(Week 4).

Zoe C1st
Hamish B1st
Jimmy R1st
Grace M1st
Elle A2nd
Emma C3rd
Alexander V3rd
Lachlan B3rd
Rachel C4th
Anika M5th
Ellie H4th

Acknowledgement to Country

St Joseph's Bulli acknowledges and pays respect to the Dharawal people past and present, the traditional custodians of the land on which our school is built.