Attendance and Data

Tracking Student Growth and Engagement at Edgars Creek Secondary College

Anthony Asta - Leading Teacher - Timetabling & Data Management
Anthony Asta - Leading Teacher - Timetabling & Data Management

Teachers at Edgars Creek Secondary College use a range of data to inform their teaching, ensuring that each student has a tailored approach in their learning. From formal assessment data to tracking attendance each week, every piece of data helps form part of a patchwork that gives our teachers real-time information on each child's progress.

100% Attendance for 2020

Four students have recorded 100% attendance for the entirety of the 2020 school year (as of Term 4, Week 10):

Manish (8E)
Nishtha (7E)
Letka (7F)
Chhavi (8D)
Manish (8E)
Nishtha (7E)
Letka (7F)
Chhavi (8D)

Attendance is proven to be a significant factor in learning success. Schooling is compulsory for young people aged from 6 to 17 years (unless a formal exemption from attendance or enrolment has been granted). For all year levels, students are expected to maintain at least 90% attendance over the year.


At VCE, which is now just 12 months away for some of our students, all students are expected to attend a minimum of 90% of timetabled classes in order to pass each unit. 

Attendance Trends

A major focus throughout the year at Edgars Creek Secondary College has been on tracking and improving attendance. 2020 has been a year like no other, and this certainly is the case when it comes to student attendance. 


While we have been tracking attendance each week, it has been interesting to look back at the trends throughout the year. Predictably, attendance has followed the trends set by COVID-19 and the two Victorian lockdowns. Students engaged consistently in the second round of remote learning, and have returned to school encouraged and strong in their attendance. 

Attendance has followed the ebb and flow that COVID-19 has in the community.
Attendance has followed the ebb and flow that COVID-19 has in the community.

Daily attendance is important for all children and young people to succeed in learning, but also to ensure that they do not fall behind both socially and developmentally. 


School participation maximises life opportunities for children and young people, by providing them with education and support networks. Schools help people to develop important skills, knowledge, and values that set them up for further learning and participation in their community.


For more information and strategies that parents can use at home to help improve student attendance, please visit:

Using Assessment Data to Inform Teaching

In recent weeks, all students have completed OnDemand and PAT-Reading testing in Maths and English respectively. These are important benchmarking assessments that give our teachers an insight into their students' learning growth over a 12-month period. 


In a year that has been as interrupted as 2020, this data is especially important as it forms a part of the overall picture of each student's growth over the year.


Data Literacy

Throughout 2020, our teachers have been working hard to professionally develop their skills around understanding, analysing and using data. They looked at areas such as:

  • Collecting multiple types of data to get a better understanding of student learning;
  • Using collected data to target students learning; and
  • Interpreting data to identify goals for under-performing and excelling students.

This ongoing data literacy learning is part of the College's focus on targeting learning at each students' point of need to ensure optimal learning.



Anthony Asta

Leading Teacher - Timetable & Data Management