Senior School Update

Senior School Assembly - Introduction to 2021 leadership team.
On Wednesday afternoon we held an Assembly to introduce
our New Senior School Assistant Principal Angela Narayan-Butler and George Conway as our new Year 10 Coordinator for 2021.
Angela and George were introduced to the students and had to opportunity to share with the students their extensive experiences working with senior students at a range of secondary colleges.
The assembly also outlined a number of the year 10 program highlights planned for 2021 including:
- Career Expos
- Elevate - exam and time management
- Semester 1 & 2 exams
- June
- November
- Year 10 Formal
- Vic Road - Learner Driver Education
- University / TAFE Open Days in August
In particular we spoke to the students about the year 10 Work Experience Program which will enable students to undertake placements by negotiations during the academic year for a week or during the dedicated block of time in December.
Year 10 - Leadership Camp
The year 10 camp Leadership Camp planned for March 2021 is an essential part of the preparation for both the academic and personal development of our year 10 students. The camp program is design to support students identify and set their own goals and aspirations, team building with their student peers and year 10 teachers.
It is essential for all year 10 student to attend the camp and families and carers are able to use Camps Sports and Excursion funding (if eligible) from the 2020 year and also the new academic year towards the cost of the camp. The school is also able to support students attendance via payment plans.
8 Scholarships to attend Outer Northern Trade Training Centre awarded to our students.
The scholarship are being sponsored by the Whittlesea & Hume Local Learning and Employment Network (LLEN) and Whittlesea Youth Connect to the value of $1,000 per scholarship and the school is contributing a further $450 per student to program making the total value of the Scholarship $1,450 per student.
The program will enable the students to study one day per week at the ONTTC and the students will achieve nationally recognised Units of Competency.
The school wishes to congratulate and acknowledge the following scholarship recipients:
Cooper Richards
Atar Singh
Jordan Micevski
James Dimech
Ezekiel Lilomaiva
Peter Saade
Akeef Mohd Nasir
Daniel Rakhlin
Atar Singh - Achieves A and A + result in VCE Year 11 Math Methods Units 1 & 2
The school wish to congratulate Atar Singh a current year 9 student, who demonstrated both his maturity to undertake studies in Mathematical Methods at VCE year 11 level. Achieving an outstanding A grade.
Regards Glen Cowan Assistant Principal Strategic Planning and Curriculum Innovatioin |