Middle School Update

Middle School
What an understatement to say, 'what a year it has been'. We have continued to admire the resilience and determination of our staff, students and families throughout 2020. On behalf of the Middle School Team, I wanted to thank all of you for your support throughout the year and wish all our Middle School Students the very best for 2021. I especially wanted to thank our hard working Middle School Leadership Team of Mel, Tanele, Belinda and Rachael, they have done a fantastic job this year.
Phil Adams - Middle School Assistant Principal
Year 7
We made it! What a first year of high school for our year seven students. Term four is always a busy one but we have finished the term off extremely well. It has been amazing seeing our year sevens blossom over the year (both at school and in remote learning). While their year was quite disjointed, they did an incredible job of staying engaged, trying their best and continuing to learn and develop.
The past few weeks have been very busy. Students have been completing many Common Assessment Tasks (CATs) in their classes and have been settled, committed and hard-working. Below are some examples of the work they have been completing in some of their subjects.
Highlight of the year according to year seven student Justina Antony 7H
"I liked learning about new information in my subjects. Learning Spanish and the electives was a great experience as was meeting new people and getting to know about their cultures. It was also a weird experience being stuck at home during remote learning but I learnt a lot about myself as a learner throughout this experience. We didn't give up and we could survive something like that, which was pretty cool when you think about it!"
Year 7's got to finish the year off on a high by competing in the Colour Run. Well done to Isaac Deak who came first!
We are very proud of our year seven students for showing resilience and determination over the year and wish them all the very best for their break and for year 8 in 2021!!!
Tanele Spiteri
Year 7 Coordinator
Year 8
This year has been a roller coaster of emotions for the Year 8 students. For many of them when asked they struggle to come up with a highlight. I think this is because it is the end of the year, the weather is hot and all they can think about is the beach and their summer holidays.
Looking ahead. I asked some students to share what they are looking forward to next year. Here are their comments---
I am looking forward to a few of my selective as well as a few of my core subjects- Raghav 8B
I am looking forward to the fact that this year will be over- Jarryd 8F
I am looking forward to Threads, Textures and Fabrics selective for next year. One highlight for this year is cooing savoury food this year in Food Technology- Filip 8D
I am looking forward to my selectives next year especially Science of Food and Forensic Science. I liked remote learning this year- Chhavi 8D
I am excited next year for the selective I chose- Troi 8C
Cannot wait for the Inter-School and Regional Soccer- Stefan, Nick 8C
I am looking forward to the school soccer team- Fate 8A
I am looking forward to the school basketball and volleyball team- Shalom 8D
I am looking forward to playing soccer, the Design Tech selective and my Maths and English classes- Phillip 8F
I am looking forward to the restart, to being free- Mahdi 8F
I am looking forward to the Solar Car Driving Sunshine selective- Vidhi 8F
I am looking forward to Cross Country and Athletics- Ali 8D
I am looking forward to Forensic Science- Izak 8D
My highlight of the year was getting to win an award at the Awards Ceremony. It was a great experience and I hope every student at ECSC gets to receive an award one day.
As you can see students are really looking forward to their Selective choices. They have chosen four of the below selectives which run for a semester---
Frame, Capture, Edit
Creative Streaks
Once Upon a Time In Hollywood
Extra! Extra! Read All About It!
The Shakesperience
What a Novel Idea!
Gruesome Gods and Goddesses
Build a Business
The Amazing Race
Behind the Scenes of a Successful Athlete
All Systems Go
Become an All Rounder
From Kicking Rocks to Making Shots
Driving on Sunshine
Forensic Science
Science of Food
Around the World in 80 Bites
Laser, Modelling, Construction
Threads, Textures and Fabrics
Well done on a successful year and I look forward to supporting the students next year as their coordinator.
Mel Broders
Year 8 Coordinator
Year 9
Congratulations to all Year 9 students on completing the school year! It sure has been an interesting year with remote learning and transitioning back to the classroom! We would like to congratulate the students on their persistence, effort and determination in completing their class work and Common Assessments Tasks. It was also good to hear about the students attempting their first English and Maths exams! From nervous faces waiting outside before the exam started to students having conversations on how they went and what answers they put down.
It has been nice having face to face conversations with the students and seeing the yard full of students playing basketball on the courts, soccer matches on the oval and laughter and conversations in the plaza.
It’s was great to see that there was a range of students from the year level that received awards reflecting academic excellence, academic growth and displaying school values every day. These students should be proud of their efforts and what they have been able to achieve through this challenging year.
2021 Year 9! What to look forward to!
We are looking forward to Year 9 2021! There are many new and exciting experiences for our future Year 9’s! Some of the experiences include:
- Guest speakers
- City Experience (a week long of activities in the CBD)
- Community Projects
- Careers (cover letter and resume building, interview practice)
- Market Day
- Camp (3 days!)
Year 9’s will also be experiencing a wide range of electives. These electives will give the students an opportunity to develop skills in areas of their interest and have a whole lot of fun!
See you all on the 1st February 2021!
Belinda and Rachael - Middle School Leading Teachers