
Uniform Expectations.
All students must be in correct summer uniform upon return to school on Monday 1 February. This year due to the restrictions placed on retail stores it was difficult for families to quickly attend the uniform store to purchase uniform for Semester 2. Keeping in mind these difficulties, the College has been very understanding in tolerating some students not in correct uniform. Starting afresh next year - all students are expected in the summer uniform set out below in the photographs.
It is extremely important in the building of College pride and profile that all families support the uniform policy. Students are NOT to wear their sports uniform on the first day of school 2021. As the sports gym moves to completion, students in older new levels will be required to change for PE. Again, some students are taken advantage of the current school rules which allow students to wear their sports uniform on the day they have PE and wear their sports uniform everyday. It is important to note that the students are no longer in primary school and part of wearing school uniform is about identity, College pride; equality and practicing for the adult world wear where most of us do not turn up to work or part time jobs in sports uniform or leggings or skins.
Again, I thank the majority of our families who have been highly supportive of respecting the College uniform by ensuring the students arrive correctly dressed each day.