
Swell Week

The first week back at school is SWELL week. The focus of the week is all about student wellbeing. 

Student resilience and wellbeing are essential for both academic and social development, and are optimised by safe, supportive and respectful learning environments. Schools share this responsibility with the whole community.


Not only do confident and resilient children with a capacity for emotional intelligence perform better academically, these skills can also contribute to their ability to create strong social bonds and supportive communities, and to maintain healthy relationships and responsible lifestyles.


The children have spent time getting to know their teachers and students in their home group and learning space. They have looked at the Commitment of Cooperation to guide them on expectations and appropriate behaviour for school. They have learnt more about our school values of belonging, perseverance, commitment, enthusiasm, respect, integrity, excellence, responsibility, love, care and compassion. 


The students have designed and decorated a river pebble that will be used in a new garden area that will be created between the school and the new hall when it is built. The children all participated in a Prayer service on Friday morning following the national theme in Catholic Education, Faith in the future. We are celebrating 200 years of education in Catholic schools.


Seasons for growth                               

Seasons for Growth offers children and young people a safe space to come together, and share their experiences of change and loss. 


Loss at any time can be challenging. We recognise that when changes occur in families through separation, divorce, bereavement or other loss experiences, young people may benefit from learning how to make sense of these changes. 


To support our children and young people, we are offering an evidence-based education program called Season for Growth. Season for Growth is a small group program that supports children and young people to learn change is part of life, naming and caring for feelings, problem-solving, making good choices and developing support networks. The children will attend the weekly sessions of 40-45 minutes for eight weeks, concluding with a ‘Celebration’ session. Each child is given a journal to record their experience and learning during the program. 


If you think that your child would benefit from being a part of this program please email me rlenko@sfslynbrook.catholic.edu.au or speak to your child’s home group teacher. The first Season’s group will start during term 1. I am looking for students in Year 1 and 2 for the first group.

Brickworks Incursion (Supreme Incursions)

On Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday this week, the students at SFS participated in the Brickworks infusion with Supreme incursions. The focus for the incursion was working together, having fun, getting to know each other and exploring our school values in action. Some of the activities included creating a 3D portrait using Lego bricks, creating lego toys, dressing up, following instructions to build lego and working with a partner to create their own lego design.

February Action Calendar

Our Friendly February calendar is full of ideas to help you stay connected (online if needed). It really makes a difference when we take time to listen or find ways to make someone's day better.



If you are worried about the wellbeing of your child, please feel free to contact me at the school or on my email address rlenko@sfslynbrook.catholic.edu.au


I also run social skills groups in the mornings to assist children who may be experiencing difficulties, so please feel free to speak to me about your child if you feel they would benefit from being a part of this.


Rachel Lenko

Student Wellbeing Leader