Opportunities From God 


I’m sure a lot of us found some relief over the long weekend, and celebrated the fact that we’re halfway through Term 4! 


On the other hand, some of you are thinking there’s still half a term to come and that’s all before we get to Christmas! 


In my brain, I’m thinking ‘we’re getting closer to the end of the year and it’s not really worth starting anything new like a hobby, new routine or spending more time with God’. It seems that somehow within the human condition, the end of the year looks like taking our foot off the pedal in some manner of speaking. That we can wind down, and look forward to the Summer break ahead (which hopefully isn’t as wet as it has been!). 


It’s times like these that can rob us of our spiritual potential. God doesn’t work on a yearly basis, He doesn’t think ‘it’s almost November you’ve done enough this year just put yourself into cruise’. God is always wanting to work in and through every one of us, despite the season, and He often does this when we least expect it. 


So, now that we know how we might be feeling and what God’s heart is for us, how can we help them to meet? 


REST: Now this might seem simple to some but it’s incredibly important. God rested on the 7th day (Genesis 2:2), so if it’s important to Him it should be to us. Whether it’s taking 5 minutes to ourselves or simply refocusing our mind it’s worth it. 


RELATIONSHIP: Spending time in our relationships with God, family and friends, can help to not only realign spirit but can renew our mind (Romans 12:2). This only comes about through consistent commitment and dedication to each relationship. 


GENEROUS: This doesn’t isolate itself to money, there are multiple ways in which we can display this. Maybe it’s making a meal, offering to walk someone's dog, or taking time out of your schedule to help someone else (Proverbs 11:25). 


My prayer is that the annual year starts to draw to a close, that we wouldn’t lose sight of the opportunities God has for us. 


May God bless you!