Y9/10 Survival Skills 

Survival Skills Incursion

The weather was kind to our Survivalists on Friday 18 November, and our students had a fantastic time engaging with traditional and modern applications of physics and chemistry to survive the elements. To begin the day, Firekeepers Inc helped students connect to history of the land, and allowed students a mindfulness opportunity to use their senses to immerse themselves in the natural world.


Students worked in teams to create shelter to brace for an oncoming storm and showcased their designs to the rest of the team. At lunch, students employed a range of techniques, including fire by friction to successfully create campfires for cooking their damper with tea and pesto made from foraged edibles. We look forward to seeing some of our students on the next season of 'Alone'.

Food Harvesting Tools

Survivalists are also finishing off their food harvesting tools in their Physics unit this week and are ready to analyse the movement and forces involved with their tools in use. Along the way, they've practiced safe whittling skills and rope making from natural fibres. Look out, Bear Grylls!

Mr Chris Robinson
