Partner to Learn

Staying safe from mosquitoes

After heavy rainfall, mosquitoes can grow and spread in the pools of water left behind.

While the overall risk is low, some mosquitoes carry diseases that are spread through their bites. Mosquitoes are more active at dusk and dawn, but some will also bite during the day.

The best way to prevent mosquito-borne diseases is to avoid mosquito bites.


When mosquitoes are prevalent and cannot be avoided families can protect against mosquito bites by:

· covering up as much as possible with long, loose-fitting, light-coloured clothing

· applying insect repellent that contains picaridin or DEET on exposed skin when leaving home

· limiting outdoor activity if lots of mosquitoes are active.


Further information · Better Health Channel information about preventing mosquito-borne diseases · A handy checklist to help reduce mosquito breeding sites at home · Department of Health safety advice for flood-affected areas, in a range of languages.


Roxburgh Homestead Primary School UNIFORM POLICY



 • A high quality, appealing, practical set of garments has been selected by the School Council following extensive consultation with the community. 

• The wearing of a uniform will form part of a strategy to improve individual student safety and group security.

• The wearing of Roxburgh Homestead school uniform will help foster a student and community sense of pride, identity and ownership in the school.

• The Roxburgh Homestead dress code will not discriminate against students on the basis of sex, race, ethnicity, nationality, religious beliefs, colour or disability.

• The Roxburgh Homestead uniform shall be consistent with DEECD policy in this area.

• The uniform is available for purchase through a local supplier (currently Primary School Wear).



• The wearing of school uniform becomes compulsory as from the beginning of 1999.

• The uniform will be supplied by “Primary School Wear” who have an outlet close to the school. The uniform will comprise of any items listed on their product list.

• It will be acceptable for students to wear suitable items of clothing from discount department stores (such as Big W) providing they are in the colours of navy and white

• The chosen aspects of clothing will enable both boys and girls to participate actively and safely in all school activities.

• In accordance with the Sun Smart Policy, each student will be required to wear a hat when undertaking outdoor activities, including excursions, during terms one and four.

• It is an expectation that parents will notify the school as to reasons why students are not in uniform.

• The Principal will have the power to grant exemptions from the dress code where a parent or student can demonstrate a particular health problem, religious, cultural or economic hardship in relation to the wearing of the school uniform.

• The issue of sanctions or exemptions for students who are short term enrolments will be negotiated between the Principal and the parents.

• Sanctions will be applied to those students not wearing school uniform.



• Students not wearing a hat during designated times will be restricted to shade areas.

• Parents will be requested to explain why students are not in full uniform to the School Administration.

• Students not wearing uniform may be required to wear school supplies within school hours to comply with the uniform code.