Library news!

Book Fair – Thank You!!

A huge thank you to everyone in our school community for so positively supporting our annual Book Fair. Sales were in the vicinity of $5,000.00 – simply amazing! Commission of approximately $1,500.00 was earned and this money will be spent on further improving our quality books and readers within the school where all students will benefit. We hope the purchases made are being enjoyed by all.

Library Parent Helpers

Thursday afternoons 2.00pm – 3:30pm for parents to assist with book covering and processing in the Library has continued to be well supported in Term 4! Thank you to all who have been assisting in the many ways and times you are able. Lots and lots of books have been processed, but will we get them all done by the end of the year? That remains to be seen! We’re working on it and welcome anyone who has spare time to come along and join us.


Overdue Library Book Notices

As we begin to think towards the end of the school year (yes, very scary!!), it’s time to remind students about overdue library books. Notices will be printed off late next week and sent home for any student who has a book borrowed in their name, and which was due for return by the 1st November. If your child receives one of these, we ask that you help them to locate it at home and return as soon as possible. We are aware that a number of items borrowed may be in individual book boxes at school, so all students are being encouraged to either return or renew them prior to these notices being printed. If any items on these overdue lists are unable to be located at home, please annotate, sign and return the notice to school so that we can then have a further hunt at school. Thank you in advance of your assistance with this. 

As an aside, if your child is missing their library bag, a Toy Story one has been in the library for a couple of weeks looking for its owner. No-one seems to think it belongs to them – however parents may think differently!

CBCA 2022 Book of the Year Awards: 

Every year as part of our Library program, students in all year levels are introduced to the current year’s Children’s Book Council of Australia (CBCA) shortlisted books of the year. Depending on the year level, either the Early Childhood or Picture Book categories are read and discussed. Our thoughts of the book themes, design and appeal to us as individuals are considered. Once all books have been studied, students had the opportunity to vote for the book they considered to be their favourite (and also hoped the CBCA judges thought similarly!)


This year our favourites from polled votes were:

Early Childhood:

% of 


Picture Book:% of votes
When the Waterhole Dries Up8%The Boy and the Elephant19%
What Do You Call Your Grandma?11%Blue Flower10%
Walk of the Whales35%Stellarphant51%
Amira’s Suitcase!9%Just One Bee11%
Jetty Jumping21%Iceberg9%
Winston and the Indoor Car26%The Inheritance (didn’t study this as older themes)-



The official winners as selected by the CBCA judges were:

Early Childhood: Picture Book: 
Jetty JumpingWinnerIcebergWinner
Walk of the WhalesHonour BookStellarphantHonour Book
Amira’s SuitcaseHonour BookJust One BeeHonour Book



All voting slips will be placed into a lucky dip drawing for each grade level. At our next assembly a lucky dip drawing will take place.

Those drawn will receive a copy of one of the CBCA shortlisted books for their very 



Karin Sansom
