Wellbeing & Family Partnerships

We have exciting news...


St Augustine's has partnered with the Dogs Connect Program


Dear St A's community,


We are excited to announce that we are about to launch the Dogs Connect program in our school. This is a whole school wellbeing program which will see the introduction of a wellbeing dog in our community. Our school wellbeing dog will become a much loved and important member of our community. 


The Dogs Connect program will support us in implementing this very gradually, thoroughly, and considerately. At this stage, we encourage anyone who would like to know more about this program to look through the website link below: https://dogsconnect.net.au


We are very excited to be introducing our wellbeing dog in the near future. We have a team of staff who will lead this program. We look forward to sending more information in the coming days. We would also like to assure the community that this program will not involve anyone who does not wish to be involved. We know that this work will have a really positive impact on many people in our community, and we acknowledge and respect that connection with our wellbeing dog will be offered on a great variety of levels.


Kind regards,


The Wellbeing Team and the Dogs Connect Core Group


Parent and Carer FAQs - The Resilience Project



TRP Parent and Carer Hub

This hub gives parents and carers access to 5 x video presentations, the research and supporting activities for their wellbeing:


NCCD Information Sheet for Parents and Carers



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