Art Room News

Creativity takes courage. Henri Matisse

Hello RHPS Artists,


It’s a crazy time in the art room. The Grade 3/4s have steampunk ‘Lost Things’ everywhere. They are taking shape and the painting and dry brushing (rusting) is looking awesome. These will be on display in the art room on our art show night. They are going to look brilliant. 

Our Grade 5/6 Artists have almost completed their self-portraits. I am so proud of these pieces of art. They have worked extremely hard on each of the steps to make these look amazing. I hope you treasure them when they are sent home after the art show and graduation.




Unfortunately we were not successful in winning the Lilydale & Yarra Valley Show poster competition, but we did get a special mention on our wonderful posters and we had 4 students in the Top 20!

CONGRATULATIONS: Finn 5/6C, Zoe 5/6V, Noah 3/4K and Ella 2KH on making the Top 20!


At our next assembly we will acknowledge all of the artists who participated in this competition.


We also have 15 students entered into the art show component of the show. If you received a white slip from me last week, it means your work will be displayed at the show. I will be dropping it off and picking it up. If you head to the show, keep an eye out for our artwork. 


Enjoy the sunshine and KEEP CREATING,

Mrs. Granger