School News 

Level 1/2 News

We are super proud of the Grade One Students delivering last week’s assembly. We also would like to say great effort to all year levels during the swimming week, we loved seeing everyone giving it a go, being brave and trying their best! 


In Reading we have been critiquing books. We love our reading, and we love sharing our opinions about what we like and what we don’t like about books. We have discussed and recommended books to our friends. Maybe you should ask us for a recommendation. We promise to not disappoint! 


‘The Amazing Adventure’, ‘The Day I Crashed My Dirt Bike’ and ‘Zoo Adventure’ were some of our titles from our recount writing this fortnight. We explored ways to make our recounts more exciting and interesting to the reader. We focused on what we saw, tasted, heard, smelt and felt during a past event. We practiced by describing our senses. We are getting great at describing and making our recount worth the read. 


It’s raining money! We had paper money floating around the room all week! We are working hard to recognise, describe and order Australian coins and notes according to value. We had the chance to buy toys, add our money to the value and pay for the toy. We had a blast learning all about money! 


Students will surely need a rest this weekend after a big week of learning in the classroom and learning new skills within the swimming pool!  


The Level 1 /2 Team 

Daena Hailey, Llinos Poole, Sally Newton, Emma Wright, Tim Wilson, Kayla Hartrick 

Level 3/4 News

6 weeks of Term 4 have already flown by! It has been another very busy couple of weeks. 


This week was swimming week! What a warm, busy week it has been. We went to and from the pool every day and students got to practice many swimming and water safety skills. It was great to see students having a go at new things in the pool. A big part of swimming week is seeing the students take independence with their belongings and luckily we didn't have too many lost items. 


In Reading, students have been looking at scripts and practiced reading different types of scripts. They also learnt the importance of play instructions. 


In Writing students have been looking at planning, drafting and filming their own advertisement. They enjoyed using the ipads to film an ad and showed us their understanding of persuasive techniques by influencing people to buy their product. 


The last two weeks in Maths students we have looked at Time. They were learning to 

  • use am and pm notation to solve problems involving time duration 
  • convert between units of time 
  • convert between 12 and 24 hour time

Students played many time maths games to practice these skills. 


In Inquiry, students have started designing their storyboards for their Stop Motion movie. They have been designing their setting, characters and choosing an interesting storyline. 


Have a great weekend. 


The Level 3/4 Team

Damien Smith, Rachel Boyle, Katie Smith, Carolyn Allen & Hayley Peirce. 

Level 5/6 News


On Monday the 7th of November the whole school started school swimming for the week.

On Monday we started in random groups but then we had skill-based groups that we were in for the rest of the week.

Some days on the bus the boys at the back all sang different songs on the way back from swimming.

By John, Ethan and Luke


Year Five Boy Learns to Swim!

A year five student learns to swim at local pool Kilsyth swimming pool, during school swimming week.

The boy did not know how to swim at the age of 11, until the third day of lessons, when suddenly he was miraculously able to swim.

By: Malik, Ethan. D and Caylem.


Swimming Week

On week 6 of term 4, Rolling Hills had a swimming week for all year levels at Kilsyth pool. The year 6s have been learning backstroke, freestyle, treading water, and different survival strokes. On Friday all the students had to swim in regular clothes to learn survival swimming.

By Bobbi and Kayla


Graduation Plans

We have been preparing for Grade 6 graduation this week. We wrote about our hobbies and what we enjoy about school so Mrs Cairns could present them on our graduation night with our videos.

We’ve also been taking photos in friend groups and looking at the comparison of our prep and year six photos. We’ve been working on scripts that will be videoed by Miss Cairns for graduation. There has been a lot of work and effort and we’ve made a lot of progress.

By: Lexi, Taylah, Adelaide