Term 4, 2022 

Year 2

Visual Art 

The Term 4 Visual Arts Unit of Inquiry is called ‘Celebrations of Many Cultures’, which integrates with the Transdisciplinary theme - ‘Where We Are in Place and Time’.  The Unit focuses on exploring the creative elements of costume and decoration design involved in Rio de Janeiro’s Carnival and Mexico’s ‘Dia de los Muertos’, ‘Day of the Dead’ celebration.   

Activities include: 

  • Hand puppet inspired by Dreamer Puppet Incursion, incorporating different aspects of the Day of the Dead celebration. 
  • Collaged Carnival masks: grey lead and black fine line drawings were used to create bold pattern work to create an effective Carnival mask, inspired by Rio de Janeiro’s ‘Carnival’. 
  • Scandinavian traditional Christmas decorations, incorporating fine motor skills through binding and knotting. 



How The World Works 


Year Two’s transdisciplinary theme this term is ‘How the World Works’ with a focus on how forces can change the way things move. Music, in the same way, can be a force that influences the way we move and respond. Term 4 music classes will involve students using knowledge gained throughout the year, in more creative and challenging ways.  


Students will

  • Respond to music e.g. Techno World, through playing ostinatos on instruments and through movement.  
  • Consolidate their rhythm knowledge through involvement in a bucket drum performance and by writing their own rhythms. 
  • Discuss how the change of tone colour, beat, rhythm, dynamics, pitch, can change the mood/effect of a piece. 
  • Listen to and appreciate a variety of music connected to their Unit of Inquiry on Forces e.g. ‘The Excursion Train Polka’, ‘Toy Pictures’. 
  • Watch clips showing how musical instruments can be invented and played, using various and imaginative ways of applying force.. a visual example of the effects of both causation and function. 
  • Perfect an item to perform at the end of year Music Celebration.  

Language (Japanese) 

Term Focus and Topics

Forces (verbs in Japanese) and Christmas in Japan .


PYP Unit Of Inquiry 





Function, Causation 


Lines of Inquiry 

Different forces 

The way different forces work 

Impact of technological advances on the way we can move things  


The student will be able to   

  • Say and spell various verbs in Hiragana such as PUSH and PULL. 
  • Make a Japanese paper toy and explain how it moves using simple verbs in Japanese. 
  • Tell what kind of high-tech machines they have in Japan. 
  • Experience (play) a traditional game called TONTON SUMO (paper SUMO) and explain how it works. 
  • Explain how Japanese people spend (celebrate) Christmas in Japan. 
  • Enjoy Christmas craft activities that Japanese children do.  



All students are encouraged to borrow books from the Library. The focus is on reading for enjoyment, interest and information. The children also have the opportunity to practise their borrowing skills and further their love of reading. 

The Library program also supports and extends the units of inquiry being studied in each year level and provides classrooms with resources to enrich the units offering varied forms of information 


 Physical Education

The term 4 unit we are focusing on is

 Sharing the Planet



Focus: Ball Handling, Basic Minor Games using game sense 


Incorporate the Fundamental Motor Skills they have learnt and revised throughout the year. 

These will include running, leaping, throwing, catching, bouncing, kicking and striking.


The children will use a variety of equipment and various sized play balls to reinforce the fundamental motor skills learnt in varied areas of the school.


The skills learnt will be incorporated into minor team games and activities where they have to adhere to some specific rules. 


The children will be introduced to basic game sense and movement skills within game situations. 



Concepts: Connection- How different skills are connected to the environment that the game is played in and how we share games played from ancestors and other countries. How we are connected to these games and why. 


Learner Profile   

Balanced and Knowledgeable.