Principal's Message

What a fantastic evening our Fun Fiesta was last Friday. The huge level of support from our families and community made the event very special indeed. 


Parents, students and staff working alongside one-another volunteering their time to benefit our school community showed just how much our school is truly based on community spirit.


There are many, many people to thank for the success of this great event. In particular, the planning, communication, flexibility and energy of Bronwyn Clarke (parent) and Ann Dunford (grandparent) leading our Parent’s Association efforts ensured a highly successful event for everyone involved. The efforts of this team included everything from gathering and creating great prizes for our raffle and auction on the night to ensuring we also had wonderful parent volunteers on every stall; from the BBQ to the ticket booth! 

I extend my personal thanks to all those parents who came and supported our school as volunteers and participants, including all those who provided support through wrapping ‘lucky dips’, buying wristbands, supplying donations, purchasing raffle tickets, manning stalls and providing such a positive atmosphere for our children to enjoy.


The final income from the evening will be shared in upcoming newsletters.