Year 4 Update

Mr Turvey, Mr Cooper, Mrs Floyd, Mrs Camilleri, Mrs Owen, Ms Thorpe, Mrs Ewing

Upcoming Learning:

During the next fortnight, students will be undertaking learning in the following areas:

SubjectLearning Focus

To recognise and record information from a visual text.

To compare and contrast setting and characters between a written text and visual text. 


To use effective persuasive devices.

To use precise vocabulary in my persuasive writing.

MathsTo work on a 'Trip Around Australia' maths project.
ScienceTo explore the difference between erosion and weathering. 

To understand what life was like in Australia during early settlement. 

To explore the impact that settlement had on Australia's First People. 


To understand how to make home and school safer.

To understand how to be safe around medicines and chemicals.

News and Reminders:

  • Curriculum Day Reminder: Monday 28th November.
  • Colour Run on Friday 2nd December.
  • Hats are to be worn all of Term 4.

Celebration of Learning:

The Year 4 students have been working on their notetaking skills while reading 'Birrung: The Secret Friend'. 

Our writing unit focus is Persuasive Texts, students have been learning what to include in a persuasive introduction and conclusion.