Prep Update

Miss Hope, Mrs Dorman, Ms Rhimes, Mrs Bartlett, Mrs Lloyd

Upcoming Learning

Alexandra HOPE - Prep A
Rachell DORMAN - Prep B
Sarah RHIMES - Prep C
Naomi BARTLETT - Prep D
Natasha LLOYD - Prep E
Alexandra HOPE - Prep A
Rachell DORMAN - Prep B
Sarah RHIMES - Prep C
Naomi BARTLETT - Prep D
Natasha LLOYD - Prep E

During the next fortnight (weeks 9 and 10 of Term 4) students will be undertaking learning in following areas:

ReadingWe are looking at Poetry and Author study
Writing We are learning to create information reports and letter writing

We are learning to understand addition and subtraction

We are learning to understand number

IntegratedWe are learning to design, make and evaluate our own moving toys
SELWe are learning to develop our independence to assist us  with our transition into Grade One
Phonics/SpellingWe are revising our sounds and digraphs to assist us with transition into year one

News and Reminders

-Please continue to practice all oxford words and read every night

-Don't forget your library day to bring along your books.

-If families could please assist us with collecting recyclable materials to help us create our toys for Integrated. No toilet rolls, and please have clean lids/containers.


Please return ALL library books



A reminder that hats are required for students to play outside in term 4.  These must sunsmart hats such as broad brim or bucket .

Bucket Hat
Bucket Hat


Celebration of Learning