Principals Report
Rohan Cooper
Principals Report
Rohan Cooper
Our school has undergone tremendous, positive change over a significant amount of time; from a school with one main building and 100-odd students only 20 short years ago, to a thriving education centre for over 730 students in 2022. The school is thriving for many reasons and will continue to do so with the outstanding staff in our school, highly-committed and talented students and an incredibly supportive community.
We will continue to strive to enhance the learning environment for our students, reflecting the high standards and expectations we have for each and every child. With your support through upcoming fundraisers and voluntary contributions / contributions to the building fund for the 2023 academic year, we plan to:
In previous years, we have been provided with wonderful support to ensure the physical environment in our school has been able to grow at the same fast-pace as our student population has grown this century.
Most recently, our local fundraising and proceeds from voluntary contributions have raised significant funds for:
These three projects, totalling $644,260, were raised through the significant commitment from our community to support our school and ensure our children are provided with the best possible environment in which to learn and play in.
We have also previously been fortunate to secure funding through the Government and the Victorian Schools Building Authority, which has also lead to:
This project came on the heels of the new gymnasium and art room as well as upgrade of the drama space, completed in 2019.
Shortly, all families will receive further information from the school and the School Council regarding the 2023 academic year, including book lists, essential education items and voluntary contributions. Similarly your children will soon (Tuesday 6th December) find out their teachers and classmates for 2023. The closing weeks of the academic year are exciting ones and we look forward to sharing them together.
Thanks for your ongoing support and keep doing your best.