
Bargaining Update

by Bob Prola, Bargaining Chair

  Bargaining for the 2019-2020 school year is set to begin this March.  Look for surveys and other relevant information from the bargaining team to come out soon.


Governor’s Budget:

  Governor Newsom’s first budget appears to be a winner for education.  He has proposed a 3.46% COLA and some pension relief for school districts.  This is an increase over what the district was expecting to receive. This money will be applied to the 2019-2020 school year if it is enacted by the legislature.  Your OGEA bargaining team will continue to monitor the governor’s budget through the May revision and final negotiations with the legislature to see how this affects OGSD’s bottom line.


OGSD’s Budget:

  As you are aware, OGEA members did not receive a raise or cost of living adjustment for the current school year in an attempt to help the district shore up its finances.  This is despite the district receiving a COLA of over 2% from the state. At this point, OGEA members should consider attending school board meetings this year and encouraging the district, through public comments, to make the necessary adjustments to their budget.  Any cuts should be made in such a way as to minimize the impact on students.


Curriculum Survey:

  Thank you to all OGEA members who completed the recent curriculum survey.  The information was presented to Assistant Superintendent Chaidez and the school board.

Bob Prola
