Class & Specialist News

Student Triathlon

On Sunday 25th November, 6 students were up nice and early at 6am to meet down at Elwood for the first Carman’s kid’s triathlon of the triathlon season. Unfortunately, due to the poor weather in the week, the swim was cancelled and replaced by a run. Therefore, a run, bike, run took place and all students enthusiastically rose to the challenge. Well done to all those students below for competing and we look forward to more students aged 7-11 years entering over the season.

The next race is on Sunday 9th December at Sandringham. For more information and registration for this series head to: and then Carman’s kid’s series. Students must be accompanied at the race which is 100m swim, 3k bike, 500m run and Miss Jo will be down at 6am to assist and meet. Please let Jo know ( )if your child is competing.

Grade 6 Students take on the Staff in a game of Netball

Last Wednesday lunchtime, our staff all got into their active wear and rose to the challenge of competing in a game of netball against the Grade 6 Students. In a tightly contested and enthusiastic game, staff took the win (10-6). Well done to the House Captains for organising and for all students coming to support. We look forward to more events like this in 2019.