
Interschool Round Robins
Congratulations to all students who have represented the college so far as part of our Interschool Sport program. Your positive attitude towards your peers, your opponents and respect towards the staff and student coaches is one to be proud of. Keep up the good work MGSC!
This Friday is the Year 8 Round Robin with students competing in Softball, Tennis, Lawn Bowls, Cricket and Volleyball. All students involved should have received an email containing the relevant information and can view further details on the compass event on their schedule. Thank you also to the following staff coaches who have put in time to coach the teams before their round robin day: Mrs Harvey, Mr Hull, Mrs Mathews, Miss Erwin and Miss Peach. Good luck to all students.
On Tuesday 19 March the final of the term 1 Round Robins will be held with the Year 7s heading out. Year 7 students are reminded that their day will be a full day out playing a sport. However, if they return to school prior to the end of the day, they are expected to return to class so please bring to school all the necessary equipment for period 4 on this day. Please ensure that you check your emails as all information is included in the email.
Congratulations Mackenzie Scott
Mackenzie Scott (Year 9) participated in the Victorian Schools Triathlon Championship at Elwood on Sunday 3 March achieving some outstanding results. Mackenzie came first in Girls 15-16 and was an amazing third over all in the female category; a brilliant achievement.
Congratulations and well done to Mackenzie for representing MGSC so capably.
We wish Mackenzie well for the remaining events for the triathlon season.
Ilana Parker
Interschools Sports Coordinator
Athletics Carnival - Monday 25 March
As an important and exciting part of the House program, all Year 7-12 students will be participating in our Annual Athletics Carnival on Monday 25 March. This is a compulsory school event. Students need to wear sporting clothing in their house colours, or alternatively they may wear their Physical Education uniform. There will be House points awarded in every event as well as for the House Chant, Dance Off and novelty games.
All students are required to make their own way to Dolamore Reserve ready for roll call at 8.45am. Students are reminded to bring sunscreen, hat, sunglasses, wet weather gear (if necessary), a water bottle and some lunch and/or money as there will be a BBQ available on the day with sausages, drinks and icy poles.
Students are not allowed to leave Dolamore Reserve until they are released at the end of the day. Dismissal will be at 2.45pm from the reserve. Throughout the day parents are asked not to buy take away food for their daughters. They should be bringing their own food or money. We also ask that tents and portable speakers be left at home so that announcements can be heard.
MGSC has a growing tradition of student participation in carnivals and we continue to encourage all year levels to actively participate in as many events as possible. We look forward to seeing all the students and as many parents as possible cheering on their daughter/s.
If you have any queries please contact Ms Fiona Faulkes at the College on 9581 5200.
Beachside Swimming Carnival
Following the school Swim Carnival our most competitive swimmers represented MGSC at the Beachside Swimming Carnival at Oakleigh Pool on Tuesday 5 March with some strong results. Well done!
Fiona Faulkes
Carnivals Coordinator