Space Camp

On Saturday 8 December 2018, we began our journey by boarding the 14 hour flight to America. We landed in LA, and after a short stop over, we flew to Huntsville Alabama where we spent the first week of our stay. We were fortunate to experience a Space Camp program. Here we got to stay in a cabin which was designed to replicate staying in a space training program facility. These cabins were on campus of the US Space and Rocket Centre. Here we got to do a variety of once in a lifetime activities including:
- Mission simulations (where we were each given a position e.g. pilot, flight director, paycom and worked together to complete a mission that involved real life problems which we had to work together to solve).
- One sixth gravity chair which simulated walking on the moon
- Multi-axis trainer which replicated the feeling of an astronaut coming back to earth
- Lots of engaging presentations where we learnt about many space related topics
At the end we graduated with a certificate, a badge and and many memories which we will never forget.
Our second destination was Houston, Texas. Here we stayed at a four star hotel and got to explore much more of America. Each day was filled with exciting activities, including:
- Dissecting a shark
- visiting the National Health and Science museum
- exploring the Johnston Space Centre
- discovering the Cell Lab
Throughout our stay at Houston we got to complete a group project, and met lots of interesting people, including Nicole Stott, a former astronaut.
The plane ride home was a sad time, as we had to say farewell to many new friends that we made along the way.
We will never forget all of the amazing opportunities and experiences that this trip brought us.
Selina Slamin, Tilde Verhoeven and Trixie Sumpter (Year 9)