Science Forum Fun

National Youth Science Forum 2019
In January an impressive seven students from Mentone Girls' Secondary College (now in their final year of high school) attended the exciting and heavily respected annual national science Year 12 program – the National Youth Science Forum (NYSF).
NYSF is a non-profit organisation that runs a number of science outreach activities, including its flagship NYSF Year 12 Program. This program was initiated by Rotary and has been running since 1984. It is also funded by an impressive collection of government, corporate and university partners which has helped more than 12,000 participants attend over 36 years. Here are just some of the partners who support NYSF:
The Year 12 program includes three sessions during January in either Canberra or Brisbane where the participants stay on campus at a host university. During the 12-day program, participants get to experience an abundance of laboratory or site visits, lectures, workshops, networking opportunities and university life.
This experience is shared with participants from all across Australia who have a passion for STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, Mathematics). As a result, participants gain significant insights into the variety of study and career opportunities available across the STEAM fields.
Below, the students who attended most recently, have shared highlights of their experiences. They all strongly encourage current Year 11 students interested in STEAM fields to apply (applications are open from 1 March to 31 May). They hope to see another impressive number of MGSC students attend NYSF in January 2020.
Refections from 2019 participants
Caity Morris - Session B (Brisbane). Interest Group: Biology
In my opinion, the best part of NYFS is the friendships and connections you make. Within 2 weeks strangers have turned into best friends for life which is absolutely amazing. NYSF also gave me such a strong insight to life beyond high school and inspired me with so many ideas of what my future could hold!
Casey Boswell - Session A (Canberra). Interest Group: Computer Science
What I loved about NYSF was the people I got to meet and the exposure I gained from the countless industry partners who support NYSF. I talked with the head of the Australian Space Agency! You learn so much in one place, it opens your eyes to more opportunities. I would recommend NYSF for anyone with an interest in STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, Mathematics) fields to show you how exciting they are and to have a fun time with new friends!
Charlotte Collins - Session B (Brisbane). Interest Group: Ecology and Environmental Science
For me NYSF was such a great experience to meet so many other passionate young people that I will stay friends with for a long time. It also helped open my eyes to how many careers there actually are in science and broadened my university/career plans.
Katie Barnshaw - Session A (Canberra). Interest Group: Physics
NYSF was a transformative experience which enabled me to meet a ton of science nerds from all over Australia, and gain precious insight into future careers in science. The session also taught me a lot about the value of teamwork and communication in our ever-changing world. I especially enjoyed visiting Mount Stromlo, and meeting scientists working in astrophysics (a field I’m eager to work in). I would recommend NYSF to any student who is looking to further explore their interest in science, technology, the environment or engineering.
Natalie Hooper - Session B (Brisbane). Interest Group: Health and Medical Science
NYSF was a very special and memorable experience, being able to see and do things we can’t at school and be able to experience real world science and its breadth with many like-minded science fans. My favourite part of NYSF was visiting Integrated Pathology at the Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital and Griffith University where we had the opportunity to learn about medical science, diagnosing what was wrong with particular preserved specimens and organs and conducting medical tests. I would recommend NYSF as an opportunity to see what is outside of school and Victoria. We are able to visit many institutes and universities and see what is actually out there, without having to be dictated by curriculum. It is also an opportunity to learn about yourself and what you want to do in the future.
Issy Jacques - Session C (Canberra). Interest Group: Chemistry
NYSF was truly one of the best experiences of my life. It was so eye-opening and inspiring and helped me realise what different pathways I could pursue in science (not just a research job or a doctor). My highlight of NYSF would be all the lifelong friends I made from all across Australia while on session and networking/talking to people who currently hold jobs in the science field. I would encourage anyone who is possibly even the slightest bit interested in pursuing a career in science, no matter how high your marks are in school because it’s not about academic ability at all.
Zahra MacKenzie - Session B (Brisbane). Interest Group: Engineering
For me this was an opportunity to experience science in real life practises. Going to workplaces involved with science and maths and being able to talk to real world professionals allowed me to have insight into what a career in science is truly like, which you cannot learn in a classroom. However, NYSF is made valuable through the people you meet and the friends you make from all over Australia. Everyone involved in NYSF is bright, funny and creative; people who make the whole experience one you will cherish. The people you meet and the friends you make are the highlight of NYSF.