College Matters

Compass for payments and approvals for excursions
Compass is now being used for payments and to give approval for excursions/camps/events. To do so, log into your parent portal. Any payments and consents that are due will be visible on your home page, above the news items. These items are highlighted in green. If all payments have been made and all approvals given, there will be no items to view.
To refer back to these events, click on the Organisation tab on the dashboard of your parent portal and select Events. You will then be able to see the details of all the excursions and camps for which you have given approval.
We are continuing to use Compass for News feeds, monitoring attendance, providing feedback on learning tasks and booking parent/teacher interviews.
Please ensure that only you are the only one to access the parent portal, especially when entering student illnesses and appointments.
If you do not recall your Compass ID and/or password, please send an email to the ICT Helpdesk to request your Compass login and password.
Parent/Teacher/Student interview
There will be two separate Parent/Teacher/Student sessions in term 1, 2019. The first is for VCE students (this includes any Year 10 student studying a Year 11 subject) and will be held on Wednesday 27 March between 2pm and 6pm.
Please note that period 1-3 classes will run on this day. There are no period 4 classes. All students will be dismissed at lunchtime. If VCE parents are unable to attend this session, they may attend the second one.
Bookings open for students in Unit 3 subjects at 3.30pm on Friday 22 March.
Bookings open for students in Unit 1 subjects at 3.30pm on Monday 25 March.
The second session is for Year 7-10 students and will be held on Thursday 4 April between 1.30pm and 8pm, with a break between 5pm and 6pm. Please note that there are no scheduled classes on this day.
Bookings open for Year 7-10 students at 3.30pm on Friday 29 March.
VCE parents who were unable to attend the VCE interviews will have an opportunity to book an appointment at this session after 3.30pm on Tuesday 2 April.
Year 7 Family Welcome Picnic
Friday 15 March on the school oval from 6pm - 8pm
This is an opportunity for Year 7 families to meet one another. BYO picnic dinner and drinks, picnic rug/chairs. Please do not bring glass or other breakables. Parking is available on school grounds. Senior music students will be performing
Parents & Friends’ Association (PFA)
New committee members
President: Emma Walker
Vice President: Elizabeth Semmel
Secretary: Linda McIntyre
Treasurer: Rosa Ferrari
Thanks to Jo Baxas for her work as President over the past two years.
Second-hand Uniform Shop
Gifts have been given to Annette, Val, Donna and Diane to thank them for their work.
Year 7 Parent information evening - Tuesday 12 February
Thanks to Ales, Elizabeth, Emma, Linda and Marissa for their assistance at this event. There was a good atmosphere amongst the parents who stayed back to socialise.
MGSC Book Swap and Sell Facebook page
This page has been closed and will reopen in time for the 2020 booklist.
Next PFA meeting - Tuesday 23 April at 7pm
At the meeting we will be discussing:
- the proposal for a new bike shelter
- using PFA funds to support a school initiative such as project funding, prizes for House events
- ideas for more social events
All parents are welcome to attend.
Working Bee - Saturday 30 March
Our parent and families are invited to volunteers to assist at the MGSC Working Bee on Saturday 30 March (9am - 12pm). The focus of the working bee will be moving soil in readiness for planting. Volunteers will be asked to bring a wheel barrow, rake and shovel for this MGSC community event. There will be more information about arrangements on the day closer to the event.
If you are able to assist please email Carol Duggan by 25 March:
Carol Duggan & Bronwyn Moline
Assistant Principals