From the Primary School

Thank you to the Crows and Toyota for donating 100 plants to us for National Tree Planting Day

From the Primary School

Fathers’ Day

Fathers’ Day coming up reminds us of the importance of male role models in the lives of boys. Our fathers and grandfathers are to be congratulated for the wonderful work they do and hopefully their sons will suitably spoil them on Sunday. Our Fathers’ Day Liturgy for ELC to Year 6 will be held in Frassati Hall on Monday 2 September at 9.00 am – all welcome.


Primary School Disco

On Friday 13 September we will be running a Primary Disco in Frassati Hall. Children from Rosary, Immaculate Heart of Mary and St Dominic’s Priory College will be invited to join with our boys for some fun and music. Please note R - 2 will be from 6.00 to 7.00 pm and Years 3 - 6 from 7.15 –to 8.30 pm. The P&F have kindly offered tea and coffee (and cake!) facilities for parents wishing to stay for the duration or part of the Disco.


You may have received a note regarding the Primary Disco, unfortunately the link to Try Booking did not work correctly for Reception to Year 2 children but will now (my fault!). The link again is as follows:


Bunnings Excursion

Recently our Receptions went to Bunnings for an excursion. There they were met by an education officer who showed them many things and they were able to make a special surprise for their dads for Fathers’ Day. (Don’t let dad see the newsletter pic until Sunday!).



Book Week

Last week we celebrated Book Week.  Although Ms Jacquie McEvoy, Teacher Librarian, was unable to be with us for the celebration due to the sad passing of her brother, she had prepared and organised many fun activities for all to enjoy. 


Thanks to Ms McEvoy, library staff and other great helpers for such an interactive and enjoyable event.  We hope Ms McEvoy will be smiling again soon!



National Tree Planting Day

National Tree Planting Day occurred a little later than usual for us, but the Adelaide Crows and Toyota supplied us with 100 plants that were placed in our garden beds near the Highbury Street car park to help beautify that area. We are grateful for the donation of plants from the Crows and Northpoint Toyota and to Mr Henry Vo and Mr Robert Bojczuk from our Maintenance team for making it happen.



Mr Frank Ali

Head of Primary


Dates to Remember

30 August: Staff Retreat – Pupil Free Day (OSHC available for bookings)

2 September: Fathers’ Day Liturgy 9.00 am Frassati Hall

4 September: Learning Conversations (Parent/Student/Teacher Interviews) 2.00 – 8.00 pm.

                         1.00 pm Dismissal for students R-12

13 September: Primary Disco 6.00 pm R - Year 2 and 7.15 – 8.30 pm Year 3 - 6

20 September: Grandparents’ Day Liturgy and Morning Tea 9.00 am

27 September: End of Term 3 (3.05 pm dismissal)