R.E. News


Last Sunday was Pentecost Sunday. This is a significant day in the church. It is the remembrance of the 'birth' of the church. 

In the reading from the book of Acts, ‘When the day of Pentecost had come, they were all together in one place. And suddenly from heaven, there came a sound like the rush of a violent wind.’ 


Pope Francis marked Pentecost Sunday by inviting believers to heed the Holy Spirit who “makes the Gospel of Jesus enter into our hearts” and teaches us how to overcome distances". The Spirit teaches and reminds us of what Jesus said. 


"Indeed",  Pope Francis said, "it is plausible that a doubt may arise that between the Gospel and everyday life there is a great distance: Jesus lived two thousand years ago, they were other times, other situations, and therefore the Gospel seems to be outdated, unable to speak to our current moment, with its demands and its problems." "But", he continued “The Holy Spirit is a specialist in bridging distances, teaching us how to overcome them.”


In order to do this, the Pope continued, "the Spirit makes us remember and restores the Gospel to our hearts." Just as for the Apostles who had listened to Jesus many times, yet had understood little, “from Pentecost forth, with the Holy Spirit, they remember and they understand.”


“The Apostles welcomed his words as made especially for them, and they passed from an outward knowledge to a living, convinced and joyful relationship with the Lord. It is the Spirit who does this,” he said.


“Let us take the Gospel in our hands and invoke the Spirit. We can say, “Come, Holy Spirit, remind me of Jesus, enlighten my heart”. Then, we open the Gospel and read a small passage slowly. And the Spirit will make it speak to our lives.”


Kind Regards, 


Ru Lameijn (Religious Education Leader)