A message from Mrs Whitechurch
Welcome to Term 3!
It has been great to see the smiling faces of our students (and even some cheering from parents), as children return to school from their holidays.
Parenting is the most important and challenging job in today’s rapidly changing world. There are a number of services available for parents to access for support and guidance.
Anglicare Victoria
Anglicare Victoria is a service that works with children, young people and families. They offer a number of services and workshops that support parents and families to stay healthy, connected and in control.
Please see information attached for details of workshops facilitated by Parent zone that may provide support for parents.
Bringing Up Great Kids Parenting Program
During August ‘Bringing Up Great Kids Parenting Program’ is available for parents who would like to build a more positive relationship with their children. They explore mindfulness and self-care, brain development and effective communication.
Limited spots are available and bookings should be made via
https://www.trybooking.com/CBAOC .
For more information please refer to the flyer attached.
The Primary School Nurse Visit
The Primary School Nurse Program is provided by the Department of Education and Training and is offered to all primary school students in Victoria. The Nurse will be visiting our school later this term to assess students’ health. If you have any concerns and would like your child to see the School Nurse, please chat to your classroom teacher. More information is attached.
Lynda Whitechurch
Student Welfare Coordinator