School  Sports 

Thunder Cup Yr 3/4

Congratulations to the year 3/4 thunder cup team. They have had a great time in their first season together with many of the team never playing before.


Thanks to Darren Hall for all of his coaching efforts. In the eight short weeks the team have improved their skills and always showed the LNPS integrity


U6 Gold Soccer Team - Mid Season Update 


We have won nearly all our games so far and the kids all seem to be enjoying themselves. They are all improving as a team and are starting to pick out passes to their teammates, rather than just kicking the ball forward. 


In our most recent game, we were 0-3 at half time, even though we had created just as many chances as the opposition to score goals. The players stuck with it and fought back to win the game 4-3. It was pleasing to see the kids didn't just give up and showed resilience. 


Fortunately, the weather has been kind to us most weeks except one week when it poured down with rain, with just a minute to go in the game. We've also been fortunate to have most of our players available to play each week.  


The parents have all been great, providing excellent support for the team and providing well-earned treats for the kids at the end of the games.



Christian Underwood

Coach U6