Mentone Games
Year 7
First thing Monday morning, we held the Mentone Games for all Year 7 students. Loosely based on the Olympic Games, students were competing for House points in 16 very different tabloid sports including trolley board swimming, throwing games, wrestling and others that needed to be seen. In the week leading up to the games, classes made large flags representing various countries that would usually complete in the games and considered the importance of sport and ‘the games’ to global communications and peace.
A huge thank you to Phil Hull for ‘calling’ the games and to Nick Evans and his Year 10 Sports Coaching class who led the year 7s through each of the stations and to all Personal Learning teachers for their enthusiasm and support with games day.
The teams with the highest scores following 16 rounds were:
BRONZE - 7A Team 2 Melba and Jackson
SILVER - 7B Team 1 Kenny and Mackellar
GOLD - 7C Team 1 Kenny and Mackellar
Ms Wendy Harvey
Director of Student Leadership & Engagement