From the classroom

News from 5/6 Unit

Hello families,


In Reading, students will finish up reading ‘See you in the Cosmos’ by Jack Cheng, as a mentor text. We have been using this text to develop a deep understanding of various peoples' connection to space. This text enables students to apply and develop comprehension in relation to our Inquiry unit this term. Students have been enjoying sharing the reading experience of this text with the plot of the story really developing over the past week.


In Writing, we will publish Information Reports. Students have been developing research skills by using the internet, texts and taking notes from videos to effectively source relevant information. They apply writing strategies to plan and structure information relevant to our Inquiry topic of Earth and Space Sciences. 5/6B have also been writing their PenPal letters to our friends in Bundaberg, QLD.


In Numeracy, students have been developing understanding of types of numbers. This has included looking at factors, multiples, prime and composite numbers. These are fundamental skills which will enable students to apply in various other areas of mathematics. This week, we will look at squared, triangular and index numbers and how we can apply these concepts to solve various problems. 


On Monday, students participated in their last interschool sports game for the year. We would like to thank all of the parent helpers who gave up their time and have supported, coached and refereed these games over the semester. We can’t do it without you!


Kind Regards,

Pippa Davis and Nathan Baxter


What’s Happening in 3/4?

The students in 3/4 have been working hard this past fortnight to complete a range of learning tasks that they have been working on this term.


On Tuesday all students completed, performed and critiqued other groups’ choreographed dances. This was the culmination of a term worth of Performing Arts, where students discovered how different aspects of dance can be applied – whilst choreographing a routine that met student-created criteria. We were all extremely impressed with how well each student and their group did, with all students giving the performance day a ‘red hot’ go.


Our infographic posters have been coming along nicely, with students creating eye-catching displays that highlight the importance of being sustainable at home. These are going to be presented and have peer-feedback given tomorrow.


All students have also completed their persuasive writing pieces, with students deciding to be either ‘for’ or ‘against’ a hypothetical ‘Rubbish Duty.’


Tomorrow is the last day of term, we will be doing some finalising of inquiry tasks, tidying up and then watching ‘The Iron Giant’ – we may even have some yummy popcorn too!


Don’t forget that it is a free dress day!


Have a wonderful, safe, and happy holidays!


Alec, Anna, Lisa and Pete


The Adventures of the 1/2's

Hello Families,

Well, we’ve made it! We have reached the end of another successful term of learning, growing and fun. 

Mr Jarvis, Mrs Davidson and Mrs Edwards would like to congratulate each and every one of our students on a fantastic Semester of hard work, personal best effort, resilience and lots of academic successes; we are so proud of you all! 

During the final week of Term 2 we have enjoyed consolidating our learning. In Numeracy we revisited and revised place value, expanding numbers and number lines. 

In Writing, we have enjoyed creating both procedural texts and fabulous narratives complete with illustrations! 

In Phonics, we continued to build our phoneme and grapheme knowledge, focusing on revising all of the letter sounds we have learned so far this term. 

Within Reading, we continued to build our capacity to use information from texts to infer meanings, and make predictions about the text.

We look forward to experiencing a Term 3 full of engaging learning activities and fun; we have some very exciting learning planned for the term. Within the first few weeks of term we will be covering topics including Money, Information Reports, Decoding and Encoding words, Biological Science, Drama and Design & Technologies.

We wish all of our students and their families a happy, safe and restful school holidays. We look forward to seeing you all in Semester 2.


Warm Regards,

The 1/2 Teaching Team

From the Sports Field

AFL Clinic at Marlborough P. S. 

During our Physical Education sessions last week AFL clinic sessions were conducted by AFL Victoria to all classes. The coaches Georgia on Wednesday and Grace on Thursday coped brilliantly with the rain and hail. Flyers were handed out and I am pleased to say some of our local Marlborough students joined Auskick programs , Ringwood Redbacks on the weekend.  A great week of activity and fitness for our Marlborough students. 

Here are photos of the students practising their skills.


Bonny Chisholm : PE Specialist.



Statewide Indonesian Speaking Competition Results

Last Friday, we had over 35 students enter Sayembara Lisan, an Indonesian Oral Competition, run in conjunction with VILTA (Victorian Indonesian Language Teachers’ Association) and the Asia Institute, University of Melbourne. 

It was an amazing effort to have so many students compete and congratulations to all of you. We had Bu Devathas, Indonesian teacher from Heathmont College visit our school to judge our students as part of the Eastern region. The competition included simple questions and the students either sang a song, recited a poem or engaged in conversation in Indonesian.

I am very proud to announce that we have 9 students who have made it through to the finals. Congratulations to the following students:

Level 1 (Grade 1+2 students): Mabel C, Camden E, Cooper H, Matthew R

Level 2 (Grade 3+4 students): Hannah D, Matisse M

Level 3 (Grade 5+6 students): Michael D, Willow J-B, Tahlia R, Summer W


The finals will be held on Saturday 23rd of July at Sydney Myer Asia Centre, University of Melbourne. We wish you all “Semoga sukses!”

Heathmont College visit

On Thursday 16th June, Bu Devathas and a couple of Year 9 students, visited our school and took part in the Grade 5/6 lessons. The students enjoyed playing angklung (traditional bamboo instruments) and having the opportunity to ask the Heathmont College students about different aspects of secondary school. We have a great relationship with Heathmont College which helps our students make a smooth transition to secondary school.

Terima kasih (Thank-you),

(Bu) Mary-Ellen Dowling