Students of the Week

The following students will receive their certificates at assemblies on the following dates:

Friday 24th June

Eli W (12A) - For doing an amazing job with addition and subtraction. Eli, it is awesome to see you learning all of your numbers to one hundred, and solving addition and subtraction problems using different strategies. You’re amazing Eli!

Inara P (12B) - For showing courage and confidence when speaking to the whole school about your tree planting experience. You did a great job and spoke very clearly. We are proud of you for overcoming your fear! Well done, Inara.

Maverick H (12C) - For showing resilience in our maths lessons and working hard on your place value. Keep up the great work!

Brandon P (34A) - For the improved focus and effort during writing. It has been fantastic to see you striving to improve and complete your persuasive writing piece. I have been amazed at your resilience, catching up after a family holiday to Hawaii. Just sensational

Lucy B (34B) - For her entertaining story about the escaped chickens. You had us all giggling at the adventures of Material Girl and Pecky. Your language choices were terrific and really helped paint a picture for the reader. Keep up the great work Lucy!

Sully B (34C) - For responding to feedback and making strong learning choices. Well done Sully, you are discovering the balance between play and focused learning and it is showing in the high quality work you are producing. Congratulations on a wonderful semester one.

Abby H (56A) - For her positive outlook in life and in the classroom! She continually demonstrates empathy and respect towards her peers and we are lucky to have her in our grade!

Summer W (56B) -  For your continuous dedication towards your learning. You will always try your best at everything you do and seek out opportunities to challenge yourself and others. Well done Summer.