
Sue Keel 

“A word after a word after a word is power.”

—Margaret Atwood

Communication is one of the most powerful tools we have. It can help us create, analyse and understand our world. However, articulating or writing our thoughts down does not come easy to many.  This is where the writing process can be used to help us unpack and explore ideas regardless of genre or form. It is this process that helps give our words meaning and strength, and make our words a lens to focus our mind. At St. John’s we engage in the writing process to ensure well developed and thought-out communication. This process consists of

  •  Pre-Writing (brainstorming and making sure we understand the topic)
  •  Researching (finding relevant facts and statistics for authenticity)
  • Drafting (using the research to unpack your ideas)
  •  Revising and editing (proofreading to make sure the writing format is clear)

This procedure is practical, especially in assessment tasks like essays, creative text responses and planning for oral presentations. It helps break the tasks into manageable parts, making the work less intimidating. As a result, we become less likely to experience writer's block. There is no right or wrong way to write, but in order to achieve the best score, or even just to impress your teacher, we use the writing process!

Quratullane Ali – Year 9 


Creative Response to ‘Pride and Prejudice’ by Jane Austen. 

Georgiana, whose affectionate heart retained a strong impression of the former’s kindness to her as a child, and unable to willingly humiliate another, glanced at the now ashamed Mr. Wickham. Riddled with guilt, she reluctantly consented. Upon hearing the wonderous news, Mr. Wickham, filled with exhilaration, embraced Georgiana before mentioning the prospect of inheriting a fortune.

Eddy Li – Year 12



Power of Visual Communication through Carnevale mask-making Year 8 Italian


Earlier in the year in April, the four Year 8 Italian classes celebrated Carnevale by designing their own Carnevale masks in NN6. The most famous Carnevale festival takes place in Venice in the region of Veneto. It’s an opportunity to relax and enjoy different activities involving dressing up and wearing masks before the more reflective season of Lent. Well done to all the students who participated and particular congratulations to the prize-winners. A special thanks to our Italian teachers for managing the sessions and our amazing judge Signor Bailey!



Most creative Carnevale mask winners 2022:



1st                               CHAPEE CHOL

2nd                             MAY HARRISON

3rd                              IVAN PAVLOV



1st                              IRENE JOHN

2nd                            MILLA OBRADOVIC

3rd                             LILLY NORRIS / JACK FISHER



1st                             LENA FINAU

2nd                           MARIAM IBRAHIM

3rd                            PHOEBE CASTILLO



1st                            MICHAELLAH GANIQUEM-PUSPUS

2nd                          EMMA JORISSEN

3rd                           NATHANIEL MONFORTE