House News - Leonis

Friday morning walks.
As fresh as it gets, we emerge from the comfort of our heated rooms to embrace the chill as we stroll through the silent and serene grounds every Friday during Homeroom. This gives us the opportunity to take in a few quiet, peaceful moments before that first bell. As hesitant as we may be at the start, we return mindfully prepared for the day ahead of us.
LE3 and LE4
Leonis has always been a sort of second family. I remember being in Year 7 and trying to familiarise myself with everyone’s face and name, to then slowly watch as those faces faded, and new ones emerged. Despite this, the connection between every new and old member of Leonis never dwindles. After having two years away from the physical school environment, returning to the pool and the athletics centre was truly a momentous experience. It is at these events that we essentially, become one. At the athletics carnival, incredibly last minute, we mixed green and red face paint to create the renowned maroon of Leonis. Only having our hands and fingers as tools, the face paint was readily applied to willing cheeks. Although last minute, we still came together as a family to support one another, which is truly the only way to describe what it is like to be in Leonis. The Leonis SRC has been amazing to be a part of, providing a voice for everyone within our house, as well as encouraging more student participation within house activities. The involvement of all year levels has been the greatest outcome of all from the SRC, because as a House, fundamentally we are a team, therefore, we must work together as such. It truly has been a pleasure thus far to be a part of the Leonis SRC.
Isabelle Mercer LE3, Year 12 SRC member