Faith and Mission 

John Rhynehart- Director of Faith and Mission

Having spent almost a full Semester at St. John’s Regional College, last Monday the Year 7 students gathered in the College’s Stadium to participate in their annual Reflection Day.  This year the theme of the day was Building Community.  Ably led by Damo from the Lasallian Youth Ministry Team and Jess, our own Lasallian Youth Minister, and greatly assisted by our College Staff, the Year 7s were challenged to consider what Community is?  How do we contribute to the Community of St. John’s?  and what skills do we need to ensure that Community Spirit stays strong?


The students were wonderful in their participation and responses to the questions, challenges and issues put before them.  Through fun, conversation, reflection and prayer, the Year 7 students and the staff who accompanied them left the day, I believe, with a much deeper understanding of the importance of Community and an idea of where each of us fit into this wonderful Community of St. John’s Regional College.


I encourage you to chat with any Year 7 students in your households and homerooms to discover more about this most successful day.


With every best wish,

John Rhynehart

Acting Director of Faith and Mission.