Deputy Principal Student Wellbeing

Given the impact of COVID over the last couple of years we are looking at programs to run with the students from a couple of different year levels to help with wellbeing, social interaction and other current challenges. This is a State Government initiative with support from Melbourne Archdiocese Catholic Schools.
We are starting with our year 10 students on Thursday 16 June.
The boys will be involved in sessions carried out by trained facilitators from The Man Cave and will look at:
What's going on for boys...
and what can we do about it?
This 60-90 minute presentation outlines the current challenges teenage boys are facing and some of the key tools, strategies and mindsets that The Man Cave facilitators use to combat these and facilitate boys’ journey to manhood.
Our presenters set the context of what our facilitators are seeing in the workshops we run with teenage boys and outline the current challenges we believe boys are facing.
We cover some key insights and original research on:
- What’s going on with boys right now?
- What’s happening in a teenage brain?
- The key principles that govern how we address challenging behaviours and mindsets.
The girls will be involved in sessions carried out by facilitators from The Flourish Foundation:
The change we see.
We see all girls being supported through the critical journey to womanhood across Australia.
All teenage girls will have the self awareness, self confidence and social connectedness they need within their school communities and other trusted relationships to become flourishing young women in the 21st century.
The Problem.
What is missing in today’s world is a healthy journey of what it looks like to become a woman in the 21st century. We see that:
- There is a lack of spaces and rituals for young women
- There is a lack of connection to self
- Lack of connection to peers and trusted relationships.
Why Now.
Girls' self confidence is at an all time low, girls are feeling more isolated to their communities. Further to this, 70% of young people say that the pandemic and response has negatively affected their social connectedness (AIHW, 2021). 74% of young people are reporting that their mental health is worse since the outbreak of the pandemic (Headspace, 2021).
Girls are craving a safe space to feel more connected but there is a lack of safe spaces for girls at schools and lack of access to healthy female role models.
Our Solution
Our solution is to create The Flourish Girl Journey, a Rite of Passage for young women in schools which will then:
- Create safe spaces for girls
- Strengthen connections to self and others
- Provide healthy female role models