Student Wellbeing

‘To be Honest…’

…is a phrase that has crept into our everyday conversations; we use it to assure our listeners that we are telling the truth. Our well-being team has been focusing on this important value with our students – honesty is the best policy!


Honesty is vital to our school values; telling the truth in a caring manner demonstrates our respect for others. Truth-telling is all about taking responsibility for our words and actions; it is only when we honestly own our mistakes that we can learn from them.


The truth is that parenting can be a difficult task. As rewarding and enjoyable as it is, there can be times when we feel the challenge is too great.  Being honest about the tough times is what can get us through them – and seeking help and advice from others.


Our well-being team is here to support both our students and families; to have honest conversations about our ups and downs. We can also access other help; the truth is we do better together!