
Best Wishes 2019 Year 12 Students

As we approach the end of 2019, Careers staff would like to wish all Aitken students and their families a happy and healthy Christmas season. We hope all students have a good rest over January and return refreshed for a positive start to 2020.


For our 2019 Year 12 students, we are hoping 2020 will bring great excitement and joy as they embark on a life beyond Aitken. For those waiting on VCE results, we wish them all the very best of outcomes and remind students that Careers staff are available in B21 until Friday 20 December as per the details outlined in the Information pack posted home in November. 


We also remind students who have submitted VTAC applications to accept their first offer. If a “better“ offer, one you are happier with and would prefer is received in a subsequent offer round, you can withdraw from your first offer and enrol in your second offer. 


All Universities and TAFEs offer Hotlines, Live Chat, information sessions and/or one-on-one consultations; especially during the period 12 to 14 December. Again, we refer you to the pack of information posted home to you in November. If you need help on Saturday 14 December, contact the institution of your choice or ask to speak to the VTAC representative on duty at the PRAS (2019 Post Results and ATAR Service);;  9637 3877.


We are looking forward to working with all the Brookhill students in 2020 and assisting them with their course and career research and are excited to see the decisions they make about their future.


Mrs Clare Borg & Ms Rae Gibbs

Careers Counsellors