Home and School Organisation

We are  capable and confident. We can organise our belongings and get ready for learning. 

Morning Routine

Our morning routine involves the children coming into the classroom independently and completing their morning organisation. It has been positive to see the children taking responsibility for their own belongings and being organised and ready to start the school day. Thank you for your support with encouraging this independence. This is excellent preparation for Year 1. 



Our morning routine: -

1. Bring in school bag, unpack & put bag in locker.

2. Put water bottles away.            

3. Put book bag into basket.               

4. Put any finished library books into the library box & any lunch orders or office notes into plastic tubs.

5. Time to get ready for Literacy


We continue to encourage children to take responsibility for their own belongings at school. PLEASE ensure all personal belongings - hats, clothes, lunch boxes, drink bottles and especially school jumpers/jackets are clearly labelled. These items can be quite expensive to replace! Even though the weather might be wet and cold students at L.N.P.S are required to wear a sun smart hat. 

Bell Times

Yard Duty commences daily at 8:30am.

Students should not be in the yard without parent supervision before this time. The JP playground is out of bounds before school.

8:40- preparation bell

8:50- School bell

Doors will open at 8:50 and learning commences. 

Student attendance is  submitted between 8:50-9:10am. If your child is entering the classroom after this time, they will need to be signed in at the front office and will be marked late.